Portland arborists that CARE for your trees...

Angie's List Super Service Award
12 years with 75 A+ Reviews!
Tree Planting and Re-Planting
We offer planting and re-planting of trees to help keep Oregon green. Often the city requires re-planting as well. We can choose trees from local nurseries of our choice or you may purchase a tree from a nursery of your choice. We can pick it up, deliver and plant it for you properly. Here are some different types of trees and shrubs, but ask for current selections available. Please fill out our free estimate form if you are interested in removing and re-planting or just planting a new tree and we can come up with a quote for you.
Weigela, Old Fashioned
Weigela florida
This rounded, spreading shrub is ideal in groupings and makes a fine border plant with its green leaves and rosy pink flowers, which begin blooming in May.
Mountain Laurel
Kalmia latifolia
This broadleaf evergreen bears attractive pink to deep rose flowers beginning in May or June. Slow growth rate and reaches 8' at maturity.
Willow, Pussy
Salix caprea
The pussy willow has long been admired for its strong, spreading, upright stems, colorful autumn leaves, and the purplish-brown catkins that appear in March.
Mockorange, Sweet
Philadelphus coronarius
Perfect, white, four-petaled flowers accent this sweetly scented shrub. Leaves stay medium to dark green season to season.
Azaleas Mollis Hybrid, Red
Rhododendron x kosteranum
Our beautiful Mollis Hybrid Azaleas have been hybridized to be hardy even in more northern parts of the country. Lush, deciduous shrubs bear spectacular clusters of flowers to brighten your home each spring.
Hydrangea, Pee Gee
Hydrangea paniculata Grandiflora
This beautiful flowering shrub can be pruned to serve as a small flowering tree if you wish.
Hydrangea, Blue
Hydrangea macrophylla Nikko Blue
Noted for its enormous clusters of summer flowering blue flowers ranging from 8-15 inches across.
Privet, North
Ligustrum x ibolium
America's fastest growing deciduous hedge. Attractive dark green foliage. Grows up to 3 feet year.
Azaleas Hybrid, Pink
Rhododendron x kosteranum
Beautiful Mollis Hybrid Azaleas have been hybridized to be hardy even in more northern parts of the country. Lush, deciduous shrubs bear spectacular clusters of flowers to brighten your home each spring.
Azaleas Hybrid, White
Rhododendron x kosteranum
Beautiful Mollis Hybrid Azaleas have been hybridized to be hardy even in more northern parts of the country. Lush, deciduous shrubs bear spectacular clusters of flowers to brighten your home each spring.
Azaleas Hybrid, Orange
Rhododendron x kosteranum
Beautiful Mollis Hybrid Azaleas have been hybridized to be hardy even in more northern parts of the country. Lush, deciduous shrubs bear spectacular clusters of flowers to brighten your home each spring.
Buxus sempervirens
Bluish gray-green foliage turning radiant dark-green with maturity enhance this very popular evergreen. Rounded to broad-rounded shape reaching 15’-20’ in height with an equal spread. An outstanding choice for hedges, or formal gardens.
Dogwood, Silky
Cornus amomum
Subtle, four-petaled yellowish-white flowers adorn this shrub appearing in May and June. An excellent choice for any wildlife garden. Attractive, bluish berry-like drupes which ripen in August and September are desired by many bird species.
Dogwood, Gray
Cornus racemosa
With 2" creamy-white flowers and white-blush fruit, this native shrub is sure to attract many birds to your wildlife garden or yard. Reddish-brown stems turning a distinct gray are quite lovely. Grows 10'-15' in height with equal spread.
Witchhazel, Common
Hammamelis virginiana
A small tree or large shrub with fantastic fall attributes. Yellow, fragrant flowers bloom from October through December.
Kolkwitzia amabilis
Fast growing, old-fashioned shrub that's easy to grow. Pink, bell-shaped flowers are quite charming in late spring. Purplish bark when young, turning light brown as shrub matures. Bark peels and exfoliates on older stems.
Viburnum, Blackhaw
Viburnum prunifolium
A large tree or multi-stemmed shrub with impressive dark green foliage in summer months changing in the autumn to a purple, rich red burgundy color which is quite showy. Pretty flowers are creamy white and bloom in early May.
Buckeye, Red
Aesculus pavia
With an attractive springtime display of showy, deep red flowers, this tall shrub or small tree is quite a delight to many hummingbirds. Drooping, large 3"-6" dark green leaves emerge in early spring before oaks and maples show any sign of life.